My name is Natalie Hall and I was a prisoner of not one but two eating disorders.

I have come through many obstacles and impossible scenarios to get to where I am today. None of it would be possible without God and my family. This website is my outlet to share with you all my real and honest struggles and victories about how I got to this point in life. I talk about God, eating/mental disorders, addictions, family and my job as a musician. In today's world, it's so easy to appear a certain way on social media: to look like you have it all, to say whatever you want, to get those angles just right and look one way and hide everything else. There are a lot of fakes that can make it hard to spot any truth. 

I want this website to be a place that is honest, real, hopeful, and truthful. A place where you can let down because you realize that what I talk about is actually the norm. You aren't weird; you aren't strange; you're not the only one who struggles with this or that. You are just like everyone else. It's what I wanted to hear but never heard. It's what I wanted to see yet never saw. It's what I wanted to know, yet never knew.

So, this is for you. This website is for you. This website is for you who may or may not be struggling with something. It doesn't matter if it's an addiction of any kind or if it's a mental disorder or eating disorder or nothing … this is for you. There is hope for you. You can recover. If I could recover … then so can you.

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Nothing to Lose but Everything to Gain
